ipad roof inspection

Top 3: Preventive Maintenance Products for the Roofing Industry

Top 3: Preventive Maintenance Products for the Roofing Industry Preventive Maintenance Products are used for regular inspection and maintenance of one roof or a portfolio of roofs for a client.   1.Preventive Maintenance & Inspection Program – Designed as a preventive maintenance program.  The frequency of site visits is negotiated.  This program is an inspection only […]

Email tips

Top 10 on Managing Email

Top 10 on Managing Email “Please read the attached email about the email I sent yesterday in reference to flooding the system with too many unnecessary emails. Please forward to your entire staff. “ Some of our email requires us to take action, and some is for information only. How can we make email more […]

Roofing customer service

Exceptional Service

Tips for Excellent Customer Service Define what extraordinary really means…. Knowing what exceptional service entails is essential to establishing the procedures and the mindset with which to achieve it.  What does extraordinary mean to you?  Keeping appointments…saying please and thank you…. a clean shiny truck…. uniformed service crews…. Ask if you’re not sure…. If you […]