
Communication in the Roofing Industry: Is Telemarketing Still Relevant?

Communication in the Roofing Industry: Is Telemarketing Still Relevant? In today’s rapidly changing world, the way roofing businesses communicate with their customers is constantly evolving. Traditional methods like telemarketing are being questioned as new technologies and preferences emerge. So, is telemarketing dead? The answer largely depends on your customer base and their communication preferences. Understanding […]


Leveraging Roofing Software for Effective Lead Tracking

Leveraging Roofing Software for Effective Lead Tracking Roofing software plays a pivotal role in lead tracking efforts for contractors. By integrating advanced tools and systems, contractors can streamline their processes, ensuring no lead falls through the cracks. Here’s how roofing software can significantly improve lead tracking: Centralized Lead Management Roofing software provides a centralized platform […]

GSI roofing

A New Dimension in Business: Drone Technology Meets Centerpoint Connect

A New Dimension in Business Drone Technology Meets Centerpoint Connect Together with GSI, Centerpoint Connect Roofing Software is happy to integrate drone footage/3d modeling to its platform.  Drone footage has become an invaluable tool in the roofing industry. Many companies are finding drone footage beneficial due to its ability to provide a comprehensive aerial view, […]

roofing software system

6 Essential Software Needs for Roofing Companies

The roofing industry deals with many moving parts, from creating estimates to schedule work orders, documenting jobs, tracking job progress, communicating with workers and clients to create an efficient schedule, and the list just goes on. In today’s modern day world, utilizing roofing software companies and roofing applications is key to maintaining an efficient business […]

What is a Roofing CRM?

What is a Roofing CRM?

A traditional CRM Stand for Customer Relationship Management, which is largely used to track your interactions with prospects and customers. CRM’s have grown over the years to adopt many features, but much has fallen short when it comes to a Commercial Roofing CRM. Benefits and features certainly vary from software providers, but in general, a […]

Why UX Design Matters and How it Affects Ranking

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