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Selling More than Price

Selling More than Price Have you ever been low bid and didn’t get the job?  It doesn’t seem right. How did it happen?  What can you do to avoid that in the future?  Bidding more and more jobs will not guarantee a steady flow of profitable work in today’s competitive market. When a client doesn’t […]

phone call opening

Selling Skills – How to Open a Call

Selling Skills – How to Open a Call When it is time to make a sales call, what is the best way to begin?  Some techniques to open a call are the following: Open Probes Purpose Statements General Benefit Statements Open Probes:  Open probes are particularly useful in situations where you feel the customer will […]

Positive attitude

Selling Tips – Enthusiastic Attitude

Selling Tips – Enthusiastic Attitude There is no substitute for enthusiasm.  When the members of a team are enthusiastic, the whole team becomes highly energized.  And that energy produces power.   Have you ever noticed the difference passion makes?  How many dispassionate successes have you met?  How many high achievers lack enthusiasm?  How many great leaders […]