Qualify customer

Qualifying Your Customer

Qualifying Your Customer….  When you hear the word qualify, do you feel overwhelmed?   Questions such as, “Was that lead qualified?” are asked with every prospective job.  So, we ask the qualifier if the qualifying for the qualifications were correctly qualified – huh?    Qualifying boils down to asking simple questions to understand the need of […]

Roof Maintenance

Roof Management – It Works!

Roof Management – It Works! Roof Management moves customers from “leak management” to “asset management”, which results in considerable savings for the customer.  Roof Management is a proactive approach to managing roofing assets for client portfolios of properties.   Roof management is a program and a strategy that includes all the services provided by your […]

Price Objection

Objection: Price

Clients have needs because they have problems that must be solved.  Not all these needs are equal.  Some are more important than others.  When you first meet clients, you need to spend some time deciding what their needs are.  Start by working on the big problems first and then gradually ascend to the smaller less […]