
Preserving Company Culture Amid Growth

Preserving Company Culture Amid Growth Aligning Operations with Customer Perception  In the pursuit of sustainable growth, maintaining company culture while aligning internal operations with external customer perceptions emerges as a critical challenge. Let’s explore ways you can preserve your organizational culture as you grow. Core Values and Leadership Central to this approach is the pivotal […]

truth or lie

Objection:  You Haven’t Been Honest With Me

Objection:  You Haven’t Been Honest With Me Respect the other person.  Lying diminishes trust.  At some point, you may have not provided facts, even if it’s unintentional.   Never lie to try to gain an advantage over the client.  If you’re caught in a fib, have enough respect for the Client to admit it and work […]

listening to presentation

Objection: Need to Compare Prices with Competitor

Objection:  Need to Compare Prices with Competitor The presentation is completed.  It went well.  Very well.  You are ready to close.  Then, the following conversation occurs: Salesperson: “Is there anything else you want to ask?” Customer: (the client taps a pencil against a yellow pad.  Glances down through the notes and taps again and shakes […]