the road to success

Stumbling Blocks on the Road to Success

What’s getting in the way?  You are…. The stumbling blocks on the road to success are of your own creation. Recognize any of them?

  • Wishing and wanting.  Do you have a written list of goals?  Those who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them.  Get going and get specific.  Break the goals into monthly, weekly, daily to dos.  Quit wanting things to be different.  Make it different.
  • Brainy guys get paralyzed.  The smarter the person, the more likely they are to set up a stumbling block.  The smart set can imagine so many ways that things can go wrong.  They see every possible future scenario.  They can see all the imperfections in a plan.  So, they end up doing nothing.  It’s called analysis paralysis.  
  • Placing blame.  Some blame the economy, their customers, or their competition.  What difference does it make?  Consider this:  If the source of your problems is outside of your control, quit talking about it.  Do what you can do.  Form a plan of action and execute the plan.  Keep moving.
  • Stating, and restating and stating again…the problem.  (Also known as whining).  Refuse to participate in these conversations.  No good comes of them.  Find the most successful people you know, ask good questions, shut up and listen.  Find out how they overcame their stumbling blocks.
  • Sloppy shop.  The foundation of a focused, successful business is organization.  Clean is good.  Sloppy is bad.  This refers to the job site and the office.  Safety is a big concern.  Clean up the paperwork.  File and put it away.  Scan or do most of your work electronically.  Throw out trash.  Keep your electronic files organized for easy retrieval.  Develop a naming convention and a system to be able to obtain data quickly.


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