Objection:  NO! 

Objection:  NO!  Customer:  (Objections throughout the discussion) “It’s too expensive.”  “We’ve never done it before.”  “We are fine the way we are.” Customer: “I want to thank you for coming in here today.  You’ve done an impressive job, and I know we’ve put you through the wringer.  I appreciate what you’re offering, but I must […]

listening to presentation

Objection: Need to Compare Prices with Competitor

Objection:  Need to Compare Prices with Competitor The presentation is completed.  It went well.  Very well.  You are ready to close.  Then, the following conversation occurs: Salesperson: “Is there anything else you want to ask?” Customer: (the client taps a pencil against a yellow pad.  Glances down through the notes and taps again and shakes […]

Positive attitude

Selling Tips – Enthusiastic Attitude

Selling Tips – Enthusiastic Attitude There is no substitute for enthusiasm.  When the members of a team are enthusiastic, the whole team becomes highly energized.  And that energy produces power.   Have you ever noticed the difference passion makes?  How many dispassionate successes have you met?  How many high achievers lack enthusiasm?  How many great leaders […]

handling objection roofing skills sales

Handling Objection

Handling Objection Customer objections usually fall into two main categories: Misunderstandings about our product or service due to a lack of information. Drawbacks of our product or service, which exist whenever we are unable to directly satisfy the customer’s dislike or dissatisfaction with our product or service.   Misunderstanding Drawback The customer objects to using […]