Probling blog people talking

Selling Skills – Probing

Selling Skills: Probing Probing is the skill of asking questions to gather information and uncover customer needs.  There are two types of probes:  open and closed.  Open probes encourage a customer to respond freely.  The key words that will assist in identifying an open probe include: Key Word Example: Who “Who handles this process for […]


Handling Skepticism or Indifference

Handling Skepticism or Indifference When a customer questions or doubts that our product will provide the benefit, we say it will, you make a proof statement.  You make a proof statement by citing a proof source.  A proof source is any reference or piece of information that proves the benefit in question.  Below is a […]


Top 4: Sustainable Products that a Roofing Contractor Can Implement NOW!

Top 4:  Sustainable Products that a Roofing Contractor Can Implement NOW! Sustainable Products provide environmental, social and economic benefits while protecting public health and the environment.   Performance:  These products are based upon a planned event and planned services.     Features:   The Client may receive government incentives to install product/use product. The Client may be required […]

commercial rooftop

Top 8 – Roofing Industry Specialty Products

Top 8 – Roofing Industry Specialty Products These products are created based upon OSHA requirements, Tenant requests, and “Add-Ons” (upsells for quoted services). Performance:  These products are based upon a planned event and planned services.   Features:  Different features are attributed to each product. Reliability:  Scheduled work.  Reliable due to the standardization of the products. Conformance:  […]