Price Objection

Objection: Price

Clients have needs because they have problems that must be solved.  Not all these needs are equal.  Some are more important than others.  When you first meet clients, you need to spend some time deciding what their needs are.  Start by working on the big problems first and then gradually ascend to the smaller less […]

handshake sale

Selling Skills – Closing

Selling Skills – Closing When you close, the first step is to summarize those benefits the customer accepted during the call.  In other words, you will summarize ONLY those benefits that the customer agreed were important. Summarizing accepted benefits can be of great value because it considers the listening ability of your customer.  Most people […]

Probling blog people talking

Selling Skills – Probing

Selling Skills: Probing Probing is the skill of asking questions to gather information and uncover customer needs.  There are two types of probes:  open and closed.  Open probes encourage a customer to respond freely.  The key words that will assist in identifying an open probe include: Key Word Example: Who “Who handles this process for […]

commercial rooftop

Top 8 – Roofing Industry Specialty Products

Top 8 – Roofing Industry Specialty Products These products are created based upon OSHA requirements, Tenant requests, and “Add-Ons” (upsells for quoted services). Performance:  These products are based upon a planned event and planned services.   Features:  Different features are attributed to each product. Reliability:  Scheduled work.  Reliable due to the standardization of the products. Conformance:  […]