handshake sale

Selling Skills – Closing

Selling Skills – Closing When you close, the first step is to summarize those benefits the customer accepted during the call.  In other words, you will summarize ONLY those benefits that the customer agreed were important. Summarizing accepted benefits can be of great value because it considers the listening ability of your customer.  Most people […]

Probling blog people talking

Selling Skills – Probing

Selling Skills: Probing Probing is the skill of asking questions to gather information and uncover customer needs.  There are two types of probes:  open and closed.  Open probes encourage a customer to respond freely.  The key words that will assist in identifying an open probe include: Key Word Example: Who “Who handles this process for […]

commercial rooftop

Top 8 – Roofing Industry Specialty Products

Top 8 – Roofing Industry Specialty Products These products are created based upon OSHA requirements, Tenant requests, and “Add-Ons” (upsells for quoted services). Performance:  These products are based upon a planned event and planned services.   Features:  Different features are attributed to each product. Reliability:  Scheduled work.  Reliable due to the standardization of the products. Conformance:  […]

Email tips

Top 10 on Managing Email

Top 10 on Managing Email “Please read the attached email about the email I sent yesterday in reference to flooding the system with too many unnecessary emails. Please forward to your entire staff. “ Some of our email requires us to take action, and some is for information only. How can we make email more […]

Roofing customer service

Exceptional Service

Tips for Excellent Customer Service Define what extraordinary really means…. Knowing what exceptional service entails is essential to establishing the procedures and the mindset with which to achieve it.  What does extraordinary mean to you?  Keeping appointments…saying please and thank you…. a clean shiny truck…. uniformed service crews…. Ask if you’re not sure…. If you […]

Develop a Clear Message for Roofing Contractor Growth

Develop a Clear Message for Roofing Contractor Growth Q: “What’s your secret to being a top seller?”  A: “Great customers”, she responded. Q: “How do you get great customers?”  A: “Phenomenal customer service”, she replied. Q: “How do you provide phenomenal customer service?” A: “Listening”. Q: “What are you listening for?” A: “Their specific needs.” […]